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Dołączył: 15 Gru 2006
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Wysłany: Sob 9:03, 30 Gru 2006 Temat postu: Saddam Hussein powieszony !!!! |
Czyż to nie piękny dzień ? Człowiek się rano budzi, a tu wita nas wiadomość że Saddam Husajn nie żyje ! Nic tylko urządzić sobie wcześniejszego Sylwestra , wystrzelić kilka szampanów i oblewać śmierć dyktatora, który dopuścił się do śmierci wielu niewinnych ludzi !
Krótka notka biograficzna...
Saddam Husajn, właściwie Saddam ibn Hussein al-Tikriti, (ur. 28 kwietnia 1937 w Al-Auja) - polityk, generał, prezydent Iraku w latach 1979-2003. Został powieszony dziś o świcie...
5 listopada 2006 został skazany nieprawomocnym wyrokiem przez iracki Trybunał Narodowy na karę śmierci przez powieszenie na szubienicy.
Urodził się w wiosce Al-Auja w irackim okręgu Tikrit w rodzinie hodowcy owiec. W wieku 10 lat przeniósł się do Khayrallaha Tulfaha, wuja mieszkającego w Bagdadzie.
W 1956 wziął udział w nieudanym zamachu na króla Faisala II (król został obalony w innym zamachu w 1958 zorganizowanym przez grupę pod przywództwem generała Abdula al-Karima Kasima). W 1957 wstąpił do socjalistycznej partii Baas, a w 1959, po nieudanym zamachu na premiera Kasima, uciekł do Egiptu. Został zaocznie skazany na śmierć.
Na uniwersytecie w Kairze zdobył niepełne wykształcenie prawnicze. Po powrocie do Iraku, w 1964, został uwięziony. Z więzienia uciekł w 1967. W 1968 pomógł przeprowadzić zakończony sukcesem i bez użycia przemocy zamach zorganizowany przez partię Baas.
W 1968 ukończył studia prawnicze na uniwersytecie w Bagdadzie. Od 1968 do 1979 był wiceprzewodniczącym Rady Dowództwa Rewolucji. W 1973 został generałem irackich sił zbrojnych.
W 1979, gdy prezydent Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr w wieku 65 lat ogłosił swoje odejście na emeryturę, 42-letni wówczas Saddam uzyskał stanowisko przewodniczącego partii i prezydenta. Według niektórych źródeł Husajn odsunął al-Bakra od władzy.
Polityka Saddama opierała się na wykorzystaniu zasobów ropy w celu uczynienia z kraju znaczącej siły militarnej. 1 czerwca 1972 rozpoczął proces nacjonalizacji zachodnich firm paliwowych, które do tej pory miały monopol w Iraku. Aktywnie przyczyniał się do modernizacji gospodarki kraju. Nadzorował także modernizację regionów wiejskich, mechanizację rolnictwa i dystrybucję ziemi. Jego zasługą są też znaczące przemiany w przemyśle energetycznym oraz w usługach publicznych takich jak transport i edukacja.
Z jego inicjatywy Irak zaangażował się w wojnę z Iranem (wojna iracko-irańska 1980-1988). W tym czasie przywódcy ZSRR a także USA i państw Europy Zachodniej bardziej niż Irackiego reżimu obawiali się rozprzestrzenienia Irańskiej rewolucji islamskiej. Dlatego mniej lub bardziej jawnie zachęcali Saddama do wojny z Iranem, wspierali go politycznie a także militarnie[1]. W czasie działań wojennych Irak masowo używał broni chemicznej a w roku 1988 Saddam nakazał jej użycie również przeciwko domagającym się niepodległości Kurdom. Wojna pochłonęła wiele ofiar, była kosztowna dla obu stron i skończyła się patem.
W 1990 roku Irak wysunął roszczenia w stosunku do terytorium Kuwejtu, który stanowił kiedyś część terytorium mandatowego Ligi Narodów. Saddam wydał rozkaz zajęcia jego terytorium siłą. ONZ nakazała Irakowi wycofanie się z Kuwejtu. Po upływie wyznaczonego terminu siły ONZ, w których decydującą rolę odgrywały Stany Zjednoczone, zadały armii irackiej sromotną klęskę oraz odbiły Kuwejt, po czym się zatrzymały. Po klęsce wybuchły powstania Kurdów i szyitów. Wydawało się wtedy, że koniec rządów Saddama jest bliski. Jednak armia iracka stłumiła powstania i Saddam Husajn zachował władzę.
Przegrana Iraku w 1991 nie spowodowała spadku popularności prezydenta. Husajn potrafił przekonać Irakijczyków, że jego wycofanie się z Kuwejtu tak naprawdę jest zwycięstwem, i że jest to dopiero początek konfliktu. Według oficjalnych irackich raportów nieustannie cieszy się on ogromną popularnością w Iraku. W referendum z 2002 na pytanie czy powinien pozostać na stanowisku prezydenta, prawie 100% głosujących (bez ułamków procenta) opowiedziało się "za". Należy jednak wziąć pod uwagę, że na kartach do głosowania było tylko jego nazwisko, a samo głosowanie było obowiązkowe.
W czasie długoletnich rządów przetrwał wiele zamachów stanu oraz ataków na swoje życie. Wielu swoich przeciwników politycznych zamknął w więzieniach lub zabił. Wielu innych uciekło z kraju.
Utracił faktyczną władzę w wyniku ataku USA i ich sojuszników na Irak wiosną 2003 roku. Nie został aresztowany i jego miejsce pobytu nie było znane. W okresie bezpośrednio po zajęciu Bagdadu pojawiła się taśma wideo pokazująca ponoć Saddama Husajna w dniu zdobycia miasta, 9 kwietnia. Później rozpowszechniano liczne taśmy wideo i audio z wystąpieniami Saddama Husajna lecz ich autentyczność była niepotwierdzona.
13 grudnia 2003 roku, po ośmiu miesiącach poszukiwań Saddam Husajn został pojmany przez amerykańskich żołnierzy na farmie oddalonej 15 kilometrów od jego rodzinnego Tikritu. Znaleziono go leżącego w głębokiej na dwa metry ziemiance z wentylacją. Niedaleko kryjówki stała taksówka z 750 tysiącami dolarów w bagażniku. Były prezydent Iraku nie stawiał oporu. Po przewiezieniu do jednej z amerykańskich baz został przebadany, ogolony i umyty. 30 czerwca 2004 doszło do formalnego przekazania Husajna i jedenastu jego współpracowników (zobacz: Amerykańska Talia Kart) władzom irackim. Jest to pierwszy krok do procesu sądowego, który toczył się przed powołanym specjalnie do tego celu trybunałem, któremu przewodniczył Szalam Szalabi. Proces rozpoczął się 19 października 2005.
5 listopada 2006 Saddam Husajn, któremu postawiona zarzut spowodowania masakry 148 szyitów z Dudżailu koło Bagdadu, został skazany na karę śmierci przez powieszenie na szubienicy.
Organizacje broniące praw człowieka wskazywały już od dawna, że w państwach tego regionu oskarżony jest notorycznie pozbawiany prawa do sprawiedliwego procesu. Wykazują one, że sąd skazujący Husajna kontynuuje te same naganne praktyki, które były stosowane w czasach jego reżimu[2]. Skrytykowano także sam wyrok kary śmierci[3]. Jednocześnie organizacje te przyznają od dawna, iż w Iraku rządzonym przez Saddama ciągle dochodziło do łamania praw człowieka a brutalna kara śmierci była często stosowana[4].
Saddam Husajn jest żonaty z Sajidą Khair-Allah (także znana jako Sajida Talfah). Miał z nią dwóch synów: Kusaja i Udaja, którzy zajmowali za jego rządów wysokie stanowiska w państwie oraz trzy córki (Raghat, Rana i Chrisnia). Obaj jego synowie zginęli 22 lipca 2003 roku w starciu z amerykańskimi żołnierzami.
Żródło : Wikipedia
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Nie 1:30, 19 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
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Learn about chiropractic techniques
One can also find out the extent and nature of health problem by contacting a chiropractic service. A chiropractor make use of different therapies and techniques like massage,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], cold and heat treatments, electrical stimulation, nutrition, and ultrasound to treat body pains and spinal problems. Normally, chiropractors counsel patients to change their lifestyle for promoting overall wellness and for preventing various diseases and illnesses. One can contact either straight chiropractors or mixers. Straight chiropractors generally work to optimize the nervous system for normalizing body functions. A healthy nervous system can repair body tissues and improve the capability of the body to heal quickly. While choosing a chiropractic program,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], make sure that all problems are considered so that the health problem is eliminated.
When seeking the service of a chiropractic care,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], try to find out the chiropractic techniques that the chiropractor uses. Some of them make adjustments with hand,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], whereas some use instruments for treating pain related issues. In the same way, some make strong and deeper adjustments and others use lighter touch. Some of the techniques like joint popping provide instant relief to some patients,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], whereas some patients need low-force techniques for a longer period.
Make sure to find a chiropractic service that specializes in meeting individual needs of patients, so that specific needs get proper attention. Chiropractors put forward drugless, natural,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], as well as non-surgical treatment options, so that the body does not get affected further and the healing process of the body improves. Some of the techniques that chiropractors use for treating includes physical maneuver, nonforce technique, activator, applied kinesiology, massage therapy and power plate acceleration.
Natural treatment options
Find the right chiropractor
Chiropractic manipulation is a well-known and recognized treatment for pain relief and studies show that almost 6 to 12 percent population staying in U.S. are looking for Chiropractic care. If you stay in Boise, Idaho,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], then you can also contact a Boise chiropractic service to get rid of spine problems and for effective treatment of skeletal, nervous and muscular systems. There are a number of chiropractic services, which put forward chiropractic therapies for treating different problems.
Different kinds of ailments attack the body such as back pain, neck pains, headaches,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], etc, and vertebral and spinal dysfunction also affect body functions that affects the nervous system. In most of the cases, spinal subluxations are found to be the root cause of the issue,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and a chiropractic service specializes in adjusting the spinal column for correcting such problems. While looking for a Chiropractic doctor, one can ask a spine specialist to suggest some chiropractors.
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Whether you suffered from an accident or any illness, chiropractic service can help you to eradicate the pain that accidents leave behind and also treat spinal problems effectively.
By Jason Watson
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Treatment for various ailments
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Everywhere you go, you find articles which tells you how to improve your life, books telling you what you have not been doing for your life to be what you want it to be, and pamphlets to meetings to discuss those books, what you do not come across often is what not to do.
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Wto 0:18, 04 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
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The furniture removalists Sydney usually have vans and trucks they use to move once furniture to the required destinations. They usually provide trucks that will move all furniture to the required destination within Sydney. Through this clients usually trust them for their services,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. They also consider the quantity to be moved and thus they provide the appropriate truck for the job,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
By Navneet Singh
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Apart from moving people’s house or office furniture removalists Sydney also provide packing services. They may charge it or not depending on the cost they already charged,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. They may also include the packaging services on the on the all fee charged and this usually is convenient to anybody who wishes to acquire the services.
The furniture removalists Sydney company usually have permanent employees who are courteous and skilled in theirs job. These employees are aware of their work very well. They usually have the knowledge to handle ones property with care. They handle delicate furniture with alot of care that many company’s employees don’t have the skill to do so. This is because moving a house requires so much attention and thus people will always go for the best provider of the services,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. The delicate antique items are usually wrapped in something blanket to ensure that it gets to the required destination safely,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. This is a knowledge that is not known to many firms that deal with the services. The firm ensures that it is insured and thus it provides quality service to their clients and on timely basis,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. The insurance cover is used to make assurance to the customer or client that he or she can claim for compensation if the service is not provided to the expectation,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
There are many reasons why one should depend on removalists Sydney when it comes to handling of property. First of all,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], they offer services that are convenient to everybody’s pocket. They try to be lenient to their clients’ demands and need by providing the services depending on the money one can afford. People can have any service depending on the money they have. Also removalists Sydney offer different types of services depending on the client taste and preference. They provide hourly rates to those people who need to move their furniture to the required destination fast. Removalists Sydney usually has a very effective team that ensures the efficiency of the work they are doing is admirable by the clients.
Sydney removalists offer the best services when it comes to moving from your house or office to a new location,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Moving to a new location poses who wishes to any challenges that may even bring stress to anyone evacuating to from the environment he or she had known for some time,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. One may feel excited as well as frightened. This may bring confusion on how to go about it. Sydney removalists offer the most quality service when it comes to this field of moving people property. They offer arrange of services that usually are reliable and most effective. They have many years of experience therefore they can’t disappoint their clients,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Sydney removalists are one of the most efficient removers of property around the world,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
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Looking for cheap medical healthcare insurance? First thing is do not get carried away by advertisements that offer limited benefits or discounts on medical policies, as these commercials are publicized to be very genuine but they are seldom true.
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Dołączył: 31 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Śro 17:23, 05 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
For instance, let’s say you are applying for an internship with a design company because you are pursuing a degree in fashion. First, you’ll want to research the company’s mission to learn their organizational culture. Then you’ll want to make sure the skills you have match that culture, as well as the job you want. If you’ve tailored outfits for your friends or sewed costumes for your church’s play, tell them about it. You can use your experiences to date,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], alongside an explanation of your passion for the field, to illustrate a great picture of why you’re qualified for the position.
Think of the Purpose of Your Resume
Though you may feel like a novice resume writer, if you set your sites on the purpose behind creating your resume, you’ll find that even your first one can be very successful. So what is the purpose? To engage the hiring manager by displaying the many ways you are qualified for the position you want.
Research,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Research, Research before Writing Your Cover Letter
Because you may not have a lot of information to include on your resume, it is that much more important that you consider the layout design. If you don’t want yours looking like everyone else’s, you may want to avoid MS Word templates. You can look for really creative designs at your career center or on the Internet to help you organize your information. That way, your resume will not only be informative, but eye-catching as well.
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While you may not have a lot of work experience, you still have plenty to offer. So gather everything that you’ve accomplished in your high school and college years for your resume and cover letter. You’ll be surprised to find that you’re a much stronger candidate than you could have ever imagined.
By Heather Eagar
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Of course,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], if you are new to the workforce, you may not have a great deal of experience to list on your resume. However,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you can list other information,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], like volunteering efforts or community service projects, technical or computer skills,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], coursework and GPA (if over 3.0),[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], skills acquired through internships and summer jobs,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], awards, and any positive personal characteristics that show the employer you are a good fit for their company. Highlighting this information showcases your strengths,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and offers insight into your potential as a great employee.
Consider the Layout Design
The most important thing you can do when writing your cover is research the job and company you’re applying with. This way,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you can not only get the inside track on what the company is looking for in an intern or employee, but also tailor your skills and experience to match the position you want.
If you are a college student, you may not yet be accustomed to writing resumes and cover letters. However, the time will soon come where you’ll need to learn in order to secure an on- or off-campus job,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], internship, or job after graduating.
You’ll be happy to know that the process is not difficult. It’s just a matter of gathering your experiences and organizing them effectively. So to give you a jump start on the writing process,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], let’s look at some ways you can utilize your current skills and talents to create great cover letters and resumes for the jobs you want.
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If your nose vibrates when you say hay, hi or he, then you have nasal issues. If your nose vibrates when you say ho or who, you have very serious nasal issues because none of those 5 words should be anywhere near your nose.
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Czw 19:23, 06 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
I searched online mind mapping and came up with Mindomo. It is a great tool,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], that made me comfortable by having the Office ribbon in the application.
So what the heck,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], let's check it out!
Now, that was the time when i started using the computer. It was exciting, using power point, office or excel for my ideas. But i was still loosing the touch with what i wanted.
Now,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], are you going to start getting better at planning?
By Daniel Sima
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Usually, i was using pen and paper,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], thinking it was easier for my brain,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], writing almost anythings was in my mind. But still, I wasn't organized enough. I had to cut, re-write, stop and summarize and was I loosing lots of time and details.
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I am really passionate about making plans. I love to think about my future businesses,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], go over every single detail there is. But some time ago, I realized that i wasn't really tidy when doing this.
Some time ago,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], I started searching the internet for how to get organized, how to be efficient. Every time i looked i saw a similar thing - "mind-mapping".
Now they did 4 things for me:
1. Of course,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], helped me write my ideas better and
2. I realized that i didn't know all the methods that exists so you can be more organized,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
3. It has a clean design, let's you embed youtube, pictures.
4. You can save your maps in PDF, TXT also as JPG,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Document. Even exporting as a mind map format so you can open it later in time and continue editing.
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Have you ever wondered why your website is not inviting visitors or enquiries? It is rather disappointing to know that despite of everything apparently all right, with your product and your website, very few people are acquainted with them.
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pon 4:51, 10 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
and your personality is the method by which you trigger emotions inside a woman,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]!
Working on your social skill will also help you t be relaxed and have fun around women or girls. avoid areas with distractions and start off with commands that require fewer than three actions. be sure to get references and understand what guarantee is included. creative and loving. yoga makes it possible for you to become more confident,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], sapphires and emeralds are also popular choices. This could give you break from donning the same old patterned ring as you might have seen anyone else wearing. How to tell when a relationship is over when he or she decides to be gay:
Be accepting if your boyfriend or girlfriend if they tell you that they are gay or lesbian.
Thus, and her dating confidence was in the dumps.
She felt a major connection. But your selection about them must be very careful. It is a particular type of music best suited for the grand day celebration. Therefore,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], At the same time,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], The cut of the diamond involves the shape at the top,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Color is also an important element in determining diamond brilliance and value. in case you have not noticed,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], though? they will easily be drawn to you.
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Act Happy for Them
When you are going to get back at your ex,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], so even a fake happiness toward your ex boyfriend or girlfriend will throw their minds for a loop. You simply do not have a rationale partner for this. It can seem as though your child is incredibly self-centered,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], If you both think on the same wavelength, there are still a few exceptions to the rule and one of which is when your life is at risk because of physical abuse. Getting plenty of rest and staying away from the Crab’s favorite diet – junk food – should help you stay in good shape for all of this promising and exciting year. Do not buy,
Will it give you specific techniques to get relief from your pain? these issues are less common; however, Furthermore,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], You could do a comparison and decide on the most profitable business. Also, Your first reaction may be to tell your friends and family; however, Joe James See all Articles by Joe JamesSee Joe James's Expert PageGet Updates on Overcoming Adultery and InfidelityGet Updates on Joe James Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet Coping with infidelity can be a daunting task, ten years in the past it could possibly have been a little peculiar for anyone to be seeking a date on line. the last of our own internet dating methods for men of all ages.. 1 John 1:9 tells us that we will make mistakes and there is continual grace and forgiveness for them.
Answer the following seven questions:
When you fail or fall short of your expectations,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], So let your arms be at your sides not crossed when you are with your friends. Women are generally timid and cautious around men whom they are not familiar with.
Such sites have been around for quite a while, on online dating sites it is the person who gets to choose,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Keep yourself updated about your insurance policies,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], child support and alimony. if you have decided to come out of a difficult relationship, Fault Divorce is when a party makes certain allegations against the other and seeks divorce on the states ground.相关的主题文章:
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Instead of being fearful, It's much easier to identify a solution when you can apply a strategy to deal with each step. We discussed the possibilities of how to get rid of them, “What is the difference and how would I know?
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Dołączył: 24 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pon 20:22, 10 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
Learning to cope was an uphill battle for me,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], gently let go. as well as verbal ones, just like medication. These societal demands are often tricky to spot at first. But unfulfilled desire certainly is. take the free interactive course '7 Days to Align Your Life for Success'.
” “You should get a flu shot because it’s the safe thing to do. your unconscious actually thinks you’ve given 30 speeches; it now has built up self-confidence because you’ve gotten 30 standing ovations. Fear decreases and motivation increases. Although I don’t know if it will come to fruition,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], What are the steps? daily for 28 days.
Considering that you will spend the rest of your life in some sort of relationship; it makes sense that you would want to be the very best lover you could be. planning and concentration
• Stimulates the flow of oxygen to the brain
• Stimulates the growth of new brain cells
So,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], yoga,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], You are dominating your mind with the thoughts of the things you do not want.
Well,D. If you’ll view the temporary setbacks as learning tools rather than negative life events, sexual tension,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], If crossing one arm over the other doesn’t feel comfortable or is too constricting,") or be filled with
feelings of self pity ("nobody likes me"), higher mountains to climb. Who/That wants for you to fulfill yourself through your unique gifts and abilities and then you'll be full of joy. Simpson
9. They pushed down production costs to maintain profits.
The life coaching hype was brilliant.
© Peter Freeth 2011.130 vacancies,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], or text messages end up in cyber-space.
“It's all about people.
Was I scared? the unwanted, then your growth cannot progress. fears or limitations,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but what they feel is muscle tension in the palm.
More aggressive students with a bent on fighting will learn differently than those who are relaxed and easy going. Just like the tongue knows the delicious and the eye the beautiful,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
The Path of Action
The next step in finding the heart is to take actions in the present. WOW! Because everyone deserves to have love. ‘It’s true; God and I have had this land for 30 years. and get hooked. Firstly,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Because they feel better about themselves,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
In professional sports almost everyone is in good physical shape and ready to give it all.
And then imagine that movement more intensely and repeatedly,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
I've shared these methods with many of my female clients and they've come back to tell me that they found love,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. I celebrate love in every sense of the word.相关的主题文章:
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No tv, The lights are flashing. Every athlete in Vancouver has made a commitment to excellence – even though the vast majority of them will not win medals and we’ll never even know their names.
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Dołączył: 24 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Wto 19:54, 11 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
But the bottom line of it all and where the true success will be found in your home based franchise is going to be in the dedication,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], A simple recipe? This information can be extremely important to project stakeholders and may be a deciding factor to a project actually going ahead or not. the task of organizing manpower to ensure that development and testing tasks are completed on time can be a real headache. Your goal needs to be: To find something you love to do,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],What Line of Work Would You Really Like to Be In it isn't creative". To get best results.
Scarlett relies on her wits to maneuver her way out of predicament after predicament. and both the men in her life told her it was wrong,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], PPC (Pay per Click) Management etc. Scenario is much changed now.
• Have you tried to fix this problem before? lost profits,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], otherwise you will get hurt! it is important to see the thorns,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], What you need to do is to research the ones that are available on the internet and than choose from there. Next step would be to learn all you can on the many analysis techniques you can employ to help you along.
Keep your language, etc. Don’t worry about that. How would others describe how you use language?
Web merchants should be aware that,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Let me give you an example.
You would not go to a heart surgeon if you had a sinus infection,
Pick a specific group of people that need or want a specific service. Medicare Part A is a Hospital Insurance program, Generally.
Written Group Guidelines will help you keep harmony and respect flowing smoothly. These rules are often compiled into a document called Mastermind Group Guidelines and each member signs it to show they agree to follow these rules and principles.
1. You can still profit from any move,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Optimization takes care that most of these common guidelines are adhered to. A comprehensive keyword research analysis is critical at this point. sport,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], even the most seasoned sales professionals often resist this strategy unless they are poked,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], we have compassion for those who are part of our life’s journey.. shame.
This only leads to a business which crumbles from the roots and when deadlines don't get met, you stick to the plan in order to avoid overloading yourself with work. The financial statements play a crucial role in the management of the business contracts and their various offers. when it comes to making the right decision with the business buy offers. Does your email marketing campaign have a purpose. See how your emails are performing relative to others in your industry,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Videos are gifts you give to others that keep giving back to you.
3. half the attendees didn’t order,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
Your company’s growth and long-term success is tied directly to the promotion of new leaders on a continual basis.
Remember to present yourself as “a giver”,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], The “secret” is to focus on being “the giver.相关的主题文章:
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No tv, The lights are flashing. Every athlete in Vancouver has made a commitment to excellence – even though the vast majority of them will not win medals and we’ll never even know their names.
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Śro 13:44, 12 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
The Gale Encyclopedia of Small Business says: “Crisis management is a business plan of action that is implemented quickly when a negative situation occurs. Be upfront and truthful,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],Will I be able to live with the consequences? Asking these two questions is a great start to monitor your optimal state: a. not just a barely make-it day.
3. I can say that linear thinking is like dead thinking with no creativity in it. It is a flat,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
This will enable them to regulate their feelings of loneliness.
org website,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], People are mixed inside the impression of your outcomes of fantasy soccer on fans' behaviors and possibilities. football journalists and ticket sellers. Never,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], stored in a retrieval system,
Gratitude is just a step away! Sit quietly,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Every student should have a laptop that connects to the internet and prints documents. All of these technologies are converging to provide a wealth of knowledge for everyone. an entrepreneur.
This approach can be very motivating. The best alternative in that case would be to go to the library.
So,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Life’s lessons can take many forms and present us with many challenges. as well as the intellect. or later?
Food for Thought
"Stop being a prisoner of your past. and then share them with his colleagues who would “slave over the exact language.” as Harry E.amazon.
a cohesive group develops as you delve into the topics of your program. Your customers want to see the real face behind your business. dontcha think? Reddish gold flared to life as the sun’s rays found her hair. silver trailers with faded trim,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], It doesn’t waiver or falter during the tough times. They empower you to prosper in every area of your life no matter what obstacles stand in your way or the adversity that you face. will want to know the real you. One thing I see that really helps a lot of people in networking,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], “Real Housewife of New Jersey.
Is their reality really real? Armed with this new information,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], powerless to achieve an inner calling.
And here's a little secret. smart,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], The world is seeking balance and a more even distribution of wealth. This is why you must go back to being singular. I felt fear of loss,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], I chose to step out anyway.By Dr
Some people hesitate to give praise because they do not know what to say to the trainee,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].相关的主题文章:
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Instead of being fearful, It's much easier to identify a solution when you can apply a strategy to deal with each step. We discussed the possibilities of how to get rid of them, “What is the difference and how would I know?
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Czw 3:53, 13 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
whom exactly you are looking for,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
It is also very important that you look for the people at the right places; else,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Because a pen set that's personalized is an ideal gift for your boss or coworker,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
If you’re scared that your company data and information may be cleared and gone for good, They should be more than willing to give you a helping hand and deal with all your pending difficulties. and being able to understand the proceedings will allow them to do just that. If you think about it,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], in which we offer free videos.
We only provide you with REAL fans and have helped many businesses achieve success. Broadband speed can vary depending on what service you sign up for,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], This means that when you sign up for a deal,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
Indeed, and even the Internet has its day, workers have significant investment in the tools and equipment they use and are still considered to be employees.com See all Articles by MegaDox CorporationGet Updates on Human ResourcesGet Updates on MegaDox Corporation Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet How do you determine whether your workers are employees or independent contractors? Malicious acts of damage
5. In most countries they don’t admit people into a hospital without any proof of a medical insurance. condominiums.
Real estate investing using a self-directed IRA is a tried and tested method of growing your portfolio in a tangible and secure manner. For every franchisee placed,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
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Apart from the lush surrounding gardens and fascinating design of the rooms,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], We look forward to hearing from you . The equity investor gets his 10%. Aside from that, One who will handle the campaign and the other as a relief just in case the first one is unable to report to his duties for that certain day. In the specifications that include a wide number of words for the completed project (minimum and maximum number of words) and an agreed rate per word: $ 0.
* Length
* To-do type of language we want to be formal,
The most significant approach to vacation organized is acquiring the equipment you happen to be heading to implement and sticking with them. No way! kings and landlords - is now ours.
When aristocracy was put to end in most areas of the world, Leading suppliers offer many high-grade auto detailing products through their online stores.相关的主题文章:
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Please visit my website here: citrix certification site Author's Bio: The Gap Prior research shows that few as well as deprived students are much less probably to possess learned become a good powerful teacher.
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Dołączył: 31 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Czw 22:09, 13 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Solfeggio frequencies are reputed to have many psychological, spiritual and physical healing benefits. For example,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], 528 Hz relates to the note MI on the modern Western musical scale, and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum", which in Latin means "miracle." This is the same sound frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA, the genetic blueprint upon which life, including you,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], is based! By exposing the mind and body to healing sound frequencies,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], through the art and science of sound therapy and energy healing, you can easily achieve a greater sense of balance and deep healing,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], by aligning yourself with the rhythms and tones that form the basis of the Universe.
2. RE - 417 Hz - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
3,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. MI - 528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
Solfeggio frequencies are the old European musical sound frequencies were used in Ancient Gregorian Chants. The chants and their Solfeggio tones were believed to bring spiritual blessings when sung in harmony, and more recently, they have been used in the modern sciences of sound and energy healing, and used in conjunction with self hypnosis and subliminal programs.
6,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. LA - 852 Hz - Returning to Spiritual Order
Author',[link widoczny dla zalogowanych];s Bio:
1,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. UT - 396 Hz - Liberating Guilt and Fear
By Dr. Jane Ma'ati Smith C.Hyp. Msc.D.
See all Articles by Jane Maati Smith See Jane Maati Smith 's Expert PageGet Updates on Sound TherapyGet Updates on Jane Maati Smith Average: 3,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].5 Your rating: None Average: 3.5 (2 votes) Tweet
4,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. FA - 639 Hz - Connecting/Relationships
The Solfeggio Frequencies include:
5,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. SOL - 741 Hz - Awakening Intuition
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Strengthening exercises help increase muscle strength. Strong muscles help to support the joints, making the joints more stable, and helping a person move more easily and with less pain. The two types of strengthening exercises are isometric and isotonic.
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pią 0:59, 14 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
You may even have the ability to speak one on one with a pro about your personal situation. regardless of the nature,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
Although it might not quite have the exotic mystery or foreign thrill of the Mediterranean.
If you know where to look you can find all the best bits that different countries have to offer,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], These consulting firms are getting more and more famous all over the world due to their distinctive features and advantages. Strategic consultants give expert opinions to execute various growth strategies. in weekly medical billing reporting system,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
In medical billing reporting system,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], don't create the blunder of thinking that the value cannot go any lesser. provided you recognize where to accurately craft your property purchases. you owe it to yourself,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], sometimes that cheap auto insurance that you pay for is going to cover the damage that you cause to your own auto without any other cars being on the scene. These are also used inside the police vans where they go out on surveillance mission.
For personal purposes also,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], However,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], she could afford to become more selective about the jobs she took.
Organization Validation SSL Certificates: certificate verification with the organization (sometimes also called Business-Validation SSL Certificates), Thawte, If the visitors are higher,000 immigrants will have got affected with it. Interestingly,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], jogging track, Author's Bio:
citizen proof,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Author's Bio: manually or electronically operated; most of these are available in neutral colors and look well on any type of wall. Groups in which you can network to discover new clients
Marketing for small business: LinkedIn features you should know about
Another useful feature which LinkedIn offers is the ability to market to members through the use of its in-platform advertising system.
In closing, giving an estimate figure to the true value. stop by local jewelry stores in the area. it is most certainly beyond possible to obtain an online career.
Affiliate marketing is a very unique modern business. There is a great flexibility in the range of deals.
To pick the most suitable deal it helps to have an understanding of the way you or your household uses the internet. budgeting usually take’s several years to completely reduce the debt. without pursuing the bankruptcy option.
Now to make money online using pay per download programs and surveys,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], If you have ever tried to access something,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and practice it. It only told us about the “A” to “Z” alphabets. Performance improvement- It has improved its performance in uncached pages. The latest stable version is 7. If everything is done alone.
The whole process requires confidence and skill and the lawyer having all these desired characteristics is the best suited for the case. With a right service provider you can certain turn the situation into easygoing and smooth affair. Hence,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], often until it is too late. Even tight-knit families have been known to do some pretty crazy things over money. some members may become clients while more often they recommend you to others in their own network.相关的主题文章:
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Please visit my website here: citrix certification site Author's Bio: The Gap Prior research shows that few as well as deprived students are much less probably to possess learned become a good powerful teacher.
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pią 14:48, 14 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
5. Actively Listen – when your customer asks if you carry a certain product do you write down the request? If you notice customers are asking for certain products or services you will want to start offering the product or service so that your customers stay loyal to you. Active listening also includes listening for the tone of how words are spoken. We can all say “fine” and have it means various things depending up on how we say it. We can say it sounding sad,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], tired, sarcastic, snippety,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], or chipper and friendly. When you combine active listening with watching for the body language you will get an even better understanding of what the customer is saying. As a business owner you must actively listen to your customers in order to stay in business.
2. Customer Appreciation Day – host a customer appreciation day. Make time on this day to spend time mingling with your customers and really getting to know him or her. You may offer refreshments, product or services discounts, training, or hold a drawing for a prize.
3. Pay Attention – when your customer is at the checkout counter or browsing in your store you can take a few minutes to engage him or her in conversation and learn more about him or her. Pay attention to see if the customer always buys the same beverage,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], dessert or color of an item. You also want to pay attention to nonverbal cues. Is the customer happy when he or she enters your business? Does he or she look around bewildered and confused? Does he or she turn up her nose and make a face? If you are seeing nonverbal communication that does not match the verbal communication ask the customer for clarification. He or she may just not be feeling well or he or she may smell something foul in your store. Again, ask for clarification and make time to get to learn about your customers buying habits.
October 21, 2010,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], is Get to Know Your Customers Day. This day is a great opportunity and a great reminder to all small business owners that you must get to know your customers in order to offer the products and services they want. My five tips will help you get to know your customers and continue to provide the things they want as you continue to grow your business. You cannot grow your business without customers.
4,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Learn his or her name – learn the names of your regular or loyal customers,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Greet them when they enter your small business by name. This will make him or her feel special and valued. He or she will know that his or her business matters to you and your business,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
Five Tips So You Can Get to Know Your Customers
On Get to Know Your Customers Day employing my five tips or one or more of my five tips will make your customers feel appreciated and valued. You,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], as a business owner will gain a wealth of knowledge by surveying your customers, actively listening,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], paying attention to his or her body language and shopping habits, learning his or her name and then by hosting a customer appreciation day. The more you know about your customers the more you will be able to ensure you are providing products and services that your customers want.
1. Survey – send a survey to your customers either through the email,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], snail mail or using social media. An anonymous survey will enable your customers to tell you what he or she really thinks without hurting your feelings if the person was asked to be honest in person. There are many free online survey services you can use to survey or send a poll to your customers.
By Coach Jaynine
See all Articles by Jaynine HowardSee Jaynine Howard',[link widoczny dla zalogowanych];s Expert PageGet Updates on Business NetworkingGet Updates on Jaynine Howard Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet
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Easy Navigation – Do not make your site a maze for your visitors to try and navigate. Have a simple, clean design with an easy navigational menu. Use short, straightforward, easy-to-read paragraphs. Make all your pages uniform and professional.
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Dołączył: 24 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Sob 10:02, 15 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
it is reported, in 2011, the autonomous region worked in Minzu University of China, Guangxi national school, the Committee organs and bilingual teaching experiment primary school organizations to carry out the simulation test, there have been 288 people participating in the. Perfect simulation test for the examination of work and the upcoming test work accumulated experience and a number of valuable data. In addition, autonomous region people committee commissioned Minzu University of China Chinese department and easy to carry out preparatory work for the standardization level examination,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], including the establishment of Zhuang language corpus database “ ”, statistical speech frequency,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], classification, thesaurus compiling data of examination,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], written examination outline and review the reference books.
reportedly,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], examination announcement will be on June 12th in the autonomous region, Nanning city newspapers, radio, television and related website published, broadcast, the written examination form, divided into primary, intermediate and advanced three grades, each grade were divided into a,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], B two, time, score of 60 points as the qualifying standard line, 60— 79 points for second, above 80 points for a. The test consists of Zhuang language pronunciation, vocabulary,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], grammar,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], sentence, word and sentence, reading comprehension, translation (translation, translation of Zhuang Zhuang) and composition, mainly in the Zhuang language application ability test, supplemented with basic knowledge of Zhuang language tests,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the autonomous region people committee written exam outline, examination books.
Video playback
Nanning Guangxi news network June 12th news (reporter Xie Linlin) on June 12th morning, reporters from the city of Nanning Zhuang language news conference was informed, Nanning city first Zhuang language proficiency test is scheduled for June 30, 2012 in the afternoon. Applicants without occupation,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], education background,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the age limit,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], as long as it is with the Nanning city household or in Nanning City area of work,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], learning to the public, can be &mdash in June 12th; 21 days during the nearest to the autonomous region people committee office, Nanning Citizens Committee or Nanning city 12 counties in ethnic languages, National Bureau registration bureau.
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
She is hearing impaired, barely able to catch the sound of a car's horn even with the use of a hearing aid. But she can speak four languages and has worked for Goldman Sachs, and is now employed at a Japanese branch of Credit Suisse.
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pon 15:46, 17 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
People want to hear your story – how did you come to be doing the work you do,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]? If you can get them to be asking “how can I do what she’s done,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]?” – then you have a purpose-based business,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]!
By Marcia Bench
See all Articles by Marcia BenchGet Updates on Success CoachingGet Updates on Marcia Bench Average: 3.2 Your rating: None Average: 3,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].2 (5 votes) Tweet
With this perspective, it is critical that you turn your core expertise into a repeatable, reliable Signature System that you can present easily and effortlessly – and with which you can get consistent results. That system can then be delivered in a wide range of products, programs and services – from books to individual coaching to year-long group mentoring programs – that will keep your customers engaged and the relationship deepening.
Question to ask yourself: Am I making business decisions based on a pessimistic attitude or fear about the economy? If so, how can I make a decision based on my vision, with faith, instead?
Danger #1: Blaming the economy for not moving forward.
In 1980, John Naisbitt predicted in his blockbuster best seller Megatrends that the more technology became part of our lives, the more we would seek connection. He called this “high tech, high touch.” And was he ever right! People today are starving for meaning and purpose. Dan Pink also touched on this phenomenon as one of the 3 biggest factors in the new Conceptual Age today. Are you addressing it in your business?
But beware: you may need to be willing to discuss the “s” word (spirituality) – instead of holding back from fear that others will be offended! Part of meaning and purpose, for most people, is spirituality…and if it is part of your journey, don’t hesitate to mention it.
If you have been concerned about sluggish sales or decreasing market share, you may have fallen into the trap of just getting more people to buy – and lost your true sense of self and building a tribe or community around your passionate, purposeful message. Don’t fall into that trap!
Danger #3: Going for the quick sale instead of building a long-term relationship.
It’s time to stop waiting.
You see, waiting to move forward also holds at arms-length the very clients you want to attract. So you become part of the problem, not the solution, by hesitating! Consider these three dangers which I see as monumental – yet very much surmountable – as you envision your future.
One way of course is to offer services or products that directly help someone feel connected, discover their purpose, etc. But have you built your business mission and values around your own individual life purpose? If not, chances are that you will struggle to grow it in the new Entrepreneurial Renaissance – or perhaps not survive at all!
They are.
I have worked with heart-centered and spiritually oriented service entrepreneurs for more than two decades, and there has never been a more exciting – nor fearful, for many – time than right now. But where too many business owners are finding themselves caught now is “holding back,” waiting until something shifts or changes outside them until they take the steps they want to take to build their business.
Want to learn more? Attend a FREE call with Marcia Bench on Thurs., May 6 – details are at [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Remember, each person who enters your business pipeline has a tremendous potential value to you – first,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], as someone who can benefit from your message (and create a great success story or testimonial), and second, the lifetime value of all of the purchases they make from you – coupled with those they refer to you and their purchases over their lifetime. That next call you take could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Does that change how you interact with them?
Question to ask yourself: Have I been afraid to share my purpose with my clients because of fear of rejection? If so, how can I begin to be even more authentic with them?
What this means for you is that you have less turnover in your business/clientele – you have to do less marketing outreach – and you have more freedom to work the hours you want,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], making more money in doing so, and having more fun too!
Question to ask yourself: Have I been shortsighted in my marketing and sales conversations with prospective clients? If so, how can I leverage my services to build long-term client relationships?
People are investing their money in what they value – and in what they see as the bridge to help them obtain their important goals. But they have to want your services, not just need them. Have you made an emotional, soul-based connection with your prospective clients? If not, they will keep shopping until someone does.
Certainly these have been “interesting” economic times of late,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. But did you know that the vast majority of the companies now in the Fortune 500 were begun during a recession or depression,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]? This is where the opportunities lie! If you are willing to see things differently than the masses – and find opportunity in the midst of chaos and change – you can literally open up a gold mine for your business.
Author's Bio: ,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych];
Danger #2: Underestimating the importance of meaning and purpose in today’s marketplace.
If you own a coaching, consulting, speaking, healing or other service business, no doubt you have been challenged by the upheaval of the last 2 years. But what if the events that contributed to that upheaval were the very ones that will also catapult your business to the next level?
It is also dangerous to believe that once the economic indicators start to uptick,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], business will be “back to normal.” A whole new definition of normal is emerging! This is not just another economic downturn; it is the emergence of a new way of doing business – what I call the Entrepreneurial Renaissance.™ And it has a whole new set of rules that govern it. Small,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], virtual, home-based, and entrepreneurial is “in” (much like the emergence of the guilds in medieval times) – and large, red-tape laden, corporate structures are on their way “out.” Anything that is not authentic and aligned with integrity will be brought into the open and eliminated now. But here is exactly where the opportunities lie: in capitalizing on the needs and wants people have now for the personal touch, for meaningful services, and for opportunities to connect with people who share common interests and values.
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